Monday, November 25, 2013

God is blessing those who call on him. There is a Prophet.

In the next 24 hours God is about bless some people...TELL 5 PEOPLE!!!

Prophet Rod Terry is more than a prophet he is a friend, a dad and a minister to many.

Prophet Rod has seen angels.

Prophet Rod has prophesied to hundreds.

Prophet Rod deals with open visions and prophetic flashes.

Prophet Rod also sees the present, past, and future of a person's life.

Prophet can see what is going on with other people just through conversations.

Prophet Rod has dreams and interprets dreams as God deems.

Prophet Rod is a motivational speaker, a author and a teacher.

Prophet Rod can see what awaits people when around them.

Prophet Rod has also conducted hundreds of telephone and video conferences meetings.

Prophet Rod does 1 on 1's with people daily and as needed and people have left testimonies.

The Prophets have said God has smiled on Prophet Rod.

The Prophets have said their is anointing on this man of God but it's smeared upon him.

The Prophets have said Prophet Rod is "a Prophet.

Prophet Rod operates in the gifts of the Spirit, the gift of healing, the gift of the discerning of spirits, the gift of prophecy, as well the gift of speaking in tongues, the gift of the interpretation of tongues, the gift of the faith, gift of miracles, word of knowledge and a word of wisdom.

Prophet Rod would like to speak a blessing into your life with a prayer and prophecy. 


Walk into your prophetic opportunity.
Conference Calls are every Tuesday Thursday and Sunday
Dial in 567-314-6046 Access Code 657986 #


Be sure to friend me on Facebook and share with a friend that God has sent a Prophet in Jesus name. I'll see you on the call. Be blessed now receive a greater blessing with prophetic conference call. 

Click here to friend me on Facebook.